Leonardo Da Vinci Pendant 5
$ 199.00
Everyone knows of the genius renaissance man, Leonardo Da Vinci, and his legendary works. Those works can now be archived for thousands of years using the archival technology used in this medallion. It can last the sands of time, and extreme temperatures, all while remaining beautiful and shiny due to the diffractive elements. All of Da Vinci's works have been etched into the silver using extremely precise lasers. The medallion comes centered in a beautiful pendant that complements the work perfectly.
This is the perfect gift for anyone interested in art or history, and can also be enjoyed by friends and family of all ages. The complete works are really there, and while nearly invisible to the naked eye, can be viewed by a high-powered microscope. However, most people do not have ready access to such things, we have prepared a digital reader for your viewing pleasure and convenience.

Nano Phi Medallion
$ 149.00
About this Jewelry
What makes a single number so interesting that ancient Greeks, Renaissance artists, a 17th century astronomer and a 21st century novelist all would write about it? It’s a number that goes by many names. This “golden” number, 1.61803399, represented by the Greek letter Phi, is known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Number, Golden Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden Section, Divine Proportion and Divine Section. It was written about by Euclid in “Elements” around 300 B.C., by Luca Pacioli, a contemporary of Leonardo Da Vinci, in “De Divina Proportione” in 1509, and by Johannes Kepler around 1600.
We printed Phi out to 2,000,000 digits and we are pretty sure we have broken the World record for highest Phi digits printed, let alone do it on a coin sized area. Check out this page for even more fascinating info on the Golden Ratio.
The coin is made of hand machined 304 Stainless Steel and not casted and thus much more durable and will last the test of time.

Nano Pi Medallion
$ 149.00
About this Jewelry
Here's the first 100 digits of Pi: 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 ...
This nano medallion contains 7,150,000 digits of pi written out in nano characters. We could have done more but we needed to make room for the Pi symbol made up of millions of diffractive elements to give it color shift as you tilt it in a point source light. We not only broke the world record for the longest digits of Pi ever printed, but we did it in a tiny area the size of a coin.
The coin is made of hand machined 304 Stainless Steel and not casted and thus much more durable and will last the test of time.

Nano Pi Pendant 5
$ 400.00
Here's the first 100 digits of Pi: 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 ...
This nano medallion contains 7,150,000 digits of pi written out in nano characters. We could have done more but we needed to make room for the Pi symbol made up of millions of diffractive elements to give it color shift as you tilt it in a point source light. We not only broke the world record for the longest digits of Pi ever printed, but we did it in a tiny area the size of a coin.
This is the perfect gift for anyone interested in math and science, and can be enjoyed by friends and family of all ages. This shiny medallion is centered in a beautiful sterling silver pendant, which complements the piece brilliantly. All the digits are really there, viewable with the use of a high-powered microscope, or our digital reader provided for your viewing pleasure and convenience.

Phi Pendant 5
$ 149.00
What makes a single number so interesting that ancient Greeks, Renaissance artists, a 17th century astronomer and a 21st century novelist all would write about it? It’s a number that goes by many names. This “golden” number, 1.61803399, represented by the Greek letter Phi, is known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Number, Golden Proportion, Golden Mean, Golden Section, Divine Proportion and Divine Section. It was written about by Euclid in “Elements” around 300 B.C., by Luca Pacioli, a contemporary of Leonardo Da Vinci, in “De Divina Proportione” in 1509, and by Johannes Kepler around 1600.
We printed Phi out to 2,000,000 digits and we are pretty sure we have broken the World record for highest Phi digits printed, let alone do it on a coin sized area.
This pendant features a sparkling design created with diffractive elements and the latest nanotechnology. The look is further complemented by the beautiful sterling silver pendant the medallion is centered in.
This is a great gift for anyone who loves math and science, and is enjoyable for friends and family of all ages. The text is so small, one would need a high-powered microscope to view it, but since many do not have ready access to such a thing, we have provided a digital reader for your viewing pleasure and convenience.